Adding items to a Simple Web Links box:
- Click on
Add a new Link
- Fill in the fields in the new link form (see the screenshot below) as follows:
- Link Title: The name of the resource.
- Add "(WCC Community Only)" if it is a restricted resource.
- Link URL: The web address of the resource, if it is online
- Make sure to include the WCC proxy prefix for a restricted resource, either by including it with the link URL or by checking off the "Add proxy URL" box (but not both).
- Leave blank if it is not an online resource.
- Description (Optional): A description of the resource, no more than 256 characters.
- Click on Create Link
Editing items in a Simple Web Links box:
- Log in to the page with the Simple Web Links box you want to edit.
- Click on the tools icon
next to the item you want to edit. This will bring up the link form.
- Edit whichever field or fields you want to change. (You can also choose to delete the item.)
- Click on Save Changes.
Reordering items in a Simple Web Links box:
- Click on Reorder Links at the bottom of the box.
- Drag and drop the links into the order you want.
- Click on Update Link Order
Note: Descriptive text about a Simple Web Links box as a whole can be entered at the top of the box.