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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

Getting Started with LibGuides: Create A Guide

Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind

When you first create a guide, its status is Unpublished. Other WCC LibGuides authors can see what you've done, but no one else.

That means you're free to think, try different approaches, change your mind, make mistakes, and learn as you go without worrying that what you've done is out there for everyone to see.

When you're ready to get feedback, you can change the status of your guide to Private. It still won't be listed among the WCC LibGuides, but can be viewed by anyone to whom you give the URL: other librarians, faculty, friends, colleagues at other institutions, etc.

When you're ready to make your guide public, there are several steps you need to take. For more on that and on changing a guide's status, see the Review/Publish page.

How to Create A Guide

Creating a new guide:

  • From your main administation page, click on Create New Guide.
  • If you want to use another guide as a template, select that guide.  (You can choose one of your own guides, one from anothert WCC librarian, or one from another LibGuides institution.) Otherwise, leave it as "Start Fresh (no template)"
    • If you do use an existing guide as a template, all of the content (tabs and boxes) will be copied into your new guide for use as is or for editing.
  • Give your guide a title.
  • Include a brief description.
    • Note that the title and description can be easily changed before publishing.
  • To allow other librarians to edit your guides (optional), select up to 3 from the drop-down list.
  • Click on Create New Guide and you're ready to format the guide and add content.

Formatting your new guide:

  • Click on Guide Setting in the yellow command bar at the top, and select Change Layout/Colors. Select colors for your boxes.
    • Color choices are left up to guide authors, but guides in one subject area should all use the same color.
  • The first tab in a guide is called Home by default, but it can be changed.
    • Click on the Add/Edit Pages in the yellow command bar and select Change Page Name.
    • Pick the Home page.
    • Enter a new name.
    • Hit the Change Title button.

Adding content:

  • Content is added to guides using content boxes arranged on pages (tabs).
  • See Add/Edit Tabs for details on how to add more pages/tabs to a guide.
  • See Add/Edit Boxes for details on the different types of content boxes and how to add them to a page.

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Beth Seelick
This research guide was created by Professor Beth Seelick (1955-2019).
"A teacher affects eternity; she can never tell where her influence stops." ― Henry B. Adams

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