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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

Library Home Page: Information Literacy Instruction

Information Literacy Instruction

At the Harold L. Drimmer Library, librarians look forward to collaborating with instructors to provide information literacy instruction to our students. Librarians are available to instruct students in the best strategies for locating, evaluating, using, and citing information resources correctly, effectively, and ethically. We offer a wide range of instructional services to assist students and support courses:

CLASSROOM INFORMATION LITERACY INSTRUCTION Tailored to your students' needs, information literacy instruction sessions are customized to course assignments and provide students with the skills to complete research assignments.
Information Literacy Instruction Request Form

Contact: Don Simmons, Jr. x8529
EMBEDDED LIBRARIAN PROGRAM A librarian, along with links to databases, tutorials and other course-specific resources, is embedded in the Blackboard shell to assist students at their point of need.Online, supplement and hybrid courses. Embedded Librarian Request Form

Contact: Yvonne Rode, x6961
ONLINE TUTORIALS The Library offers a set of competency-based tutorials that may be embedded in Blackboard to build student understanding of information literacy concepts. Contact: Josh Weber x6819
ONLINE RESEARCH GUIDES Online, interactive guides created by librarians assist faculty and students with general and course-specific research. Guides may be embedded into Blackboard shells for seamless access to resources and services.
View Research Guides
Contact: Jessica Tagliaferro x6808
INDIVIDUAL APPOINTMENTS Individual research consultations with a librarian are available to faculty and students to provide more in-depth help on papers and projects. Don't forget instant messaging, e-mail, and reference desk services. Individual Appointment Request Form
FACULTY/LIBRARIAN ASSIGNMENT COLLABORATION Librarians welcome the opportunity to develop information literacy assignments with teaching faculty. Collaborating on assignments prior to a semester promotes a productive and rewarding learning environment. Contact a Librarian

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