Find materials across the State University of New York system by selecting the SUNY Catalog Search in Primo.
Connect to OCLC First Search's WorldCat, a catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide.
You can request these books from other library systems via our Inter-Library Loan service.
Anyone who works, resides or goes to school in New York state may apply for a digital NYPL library card. NYPL provides access to a robust collection of e-books and e-audio books in Libby, and simply-E. NYPL also provides research and education resources and services.
Westchester Community College students, employees, and Westchester residents are eligible for a free Westchester Public Library System card (WLS card) at your local library.* A WLS card allows you to borrow materials and access electronic resources including LinkedIn Learning (free professional development classes), Overdrive (e-books and audiobooks), Kanopy (movies), Hoopla (e-books, movies, music), and more! View this map to find your local library and application requirements for a card.
*WCC students and employees who are not residents of Westchester County can get a public library card from the Greenburgh Public Library and Mt. Pleasant Public Library with a WCC College ID and a photo ID.
Project Gutenberg is a library of over 75,000 free e-books. E-books are available in epub, kindle and html formats. Collection consists of older works in the public domain.