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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

DANCE 205 - Choreography and Dance Performance: Assignment

This guide was created for Professor Del Sol's class assignment on choreographers.

Choreography Research

Alvin Ailey Washington Post

Eccles, Andrew. Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater's Akua Noni Parker, Sarah Daley and Jacqueline Green. 20 Feb. 2015. The Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, 20 Feb. 2015, Accessed 7 February 2019.

Your Assignment

Oral Presentation

100 Points


Pick a choreographer from the list below.  Present a Power Point presentation about this choreographer that includes the following information:

Present 1 – 3 minute video clip of this choreographer’s work.  Point out elements in this clip that underscore recurring themes and autobiographic elements.

Use a minimum of four research sources.  Only two may be internet sources.  Your video clip is considered a fifth source.  Document your sources on a works cited page using MLA format.

  • Name of choreographer
  • Genre of dance this artist created work
  • Birth date, Date of death (if applicable)
  • Place of birth
  • Location of childhood
  • Location where most of work was created
  • Major influences on choreography (race, ethnicity, religion, politics, lived experience, etc.)
  • Recurring themes in choreography
  • Why is this choreographer a prominent figure in dance history?
  • What autobiographic elements show up in his/her choreography?

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