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HISTORY 111 - U.S. 19th Century History - Prof. Bishop: Term Paper Topics

Welcome Students!

Greetings Students!

This guide was created to help orient you to the library and its resources, as well as to rules for citing sources for your History 111 Research Paper assignment. 

You have selected a topic around the idea of a text assigned by your professor. In the library session, we will discuss: 

  1. Where to look for information on this topic and your particular RESEARCH QUESTION;
  2. What research databases are appropriate for research in history.
  3. How to decide what KEYWORDS or terms to use in search engines on the web or in library databases; 
  4. How to determine whether information is from a reliable, professional source; 
  5. How to properly use sources in your annotations and essays so as not to risk plagiarizing; and 
  6. How to use EasyBib EDU to set up your WORKS CITED pages. 

You are welcome to contact me for further help at any time for this or other course assignments. 

Good Luck! 

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