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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

HISTORY 111 - U.S. 19th Century History - Prof. Bishop: Citation

Citation Styles for this Course

  • MLA  (Modern Language Association) - used most commonly in Humanities (English, Languages, Arts) disciplines
  • APA  (American Psychological Association) - used most commonly in Education, Psychology, Social Work & Health Science disciplines

Citation Tools

The library provides advanced access to the citation generator EasyBib EDU. Advanced access allows users to choose additional style types, save work, and access other helpful tools.

As of fall 2016, existing and new users are requested to enter the WCC COUPONWestcheccollege upon registering the first time. Please select from one of the following links:

NEW EASY BIB USERS (enter WCC COUPON and create an account)

EXISTING EASYBIB USERS (enter username/password and WCC COUPON)

What Zotero Does

Zotero (pronounced "zoh-TAIR-oh") is an application that collects, manages, and cites research sources. It's easy to use, connects with your web browser to download sources, and best of all it's free.

Zotero allows you to attach PDFs, notes and images to your citations, organize them into collections for different projects, and create bibliographies.

Read a Guide created by Georgia State U Library on Zotero.

MENDELEY - A free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.

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