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HIS 119 - Modern Latin America: Historical Research

Use this guide for suggested resources for the Modern Latin America Thesis and Bibliography assignment.

A Student's Guide to Historical Research

Tools for Student Researchers

What Is a Thesis?

  • A thesis is a statement, question, or argument presented by the writer.
  • It is your position, your particular interpretation, and your way of seeing a problem
  • Demonstrates originality of thinking
  • Uses your own informed perspective.
  • "Based on a logical and systematic argument supported by evidence." (Rutgers)
  • Acknowledges a variety of perspectives on any question

What Is Historical Thinking?

Teachinghistoryorg. “What Is Historical Thinking.” YouTube, YouTube, 10 Nov. 2010,


Each item should take approximately 5 minutes to complete 


  1. Getting Started With Research
    1. Tutorial: Why Information Literacy Matters
    2. Video: Life in the Information Age
    3. Video Tutorial: Research Process
    4. Tutorial: Developing a Research Focus
    5. Video: How to Narrow Your Topic
    6. Tutorial: Background Research Tips
    7. Video Tutorial: Beginning Research with Wikipedia/Google
    8. Video: Thesis Statements
    9. Tutorial: Scholarship as Conversation
    10. Tutorial: Research for Persuasive Writing
    11. Video: Creating a Research Plan
    12. Video: Framing a Problem
    13. Quiz: Getting Started with Research
  2. Sources of Information
    1. Tutorial: Information Has Value
    2. Video: Data, Information, and Knowledge
    3. Video: Primary & Secondary Research
    4. Video: Peer Review
    5. Video: Types of Sources
    6. Video: Primary Sources
    7. Video: Secondary Sources
    8. Video: Tertiary Sources
    9. Tutorial: Source Types
    10. Video: How to Read Scholarly Materials
    11. Tutorial: How To Read Scholarly Materials
    12. Tutorial: Selecting Appropriate Digital Sources
    13. Quiz: Sources of Information
  3. Searching for Information
    1. Video Tutorial: Searching as Exploration
    2. Video: Choosing a Database
    3. Tutorial: Choosing & Using Keywords
    4. Tutorial: Search Techniques, Part 1
    5. Tutorial: Search Techniques, Part 2
    6. Video: Refining Search Results
    7. Quiz: Searching for Information
  4. Evaluating Information
    1. Video: What is Authority?
    2. Video: Introduction to Bias
    3. Video: Types of Bias
    4. Video: Evaluating Sources
    5. Tutorial: Evaluating Information
    6. Video: How to Identify and Debunk Fake News
    7. Video Tutorial: Understanding Misinformation
    8. Tutorial: Evaluating Digital Sources Using Lateral Reading
    9. Tutorial: News Reporting vs. Opinion Pieces in Journalism
    10. Quiz: Evaluating Information
  5. Citations and Academic Integrity (this unit can be configured for MLA or APA tutorials and quiz questions)
    1. Tutorial: Why Citations Matter
    2. Tutorial: APA 7th Edition Citations
    3. Tutorial: MLA 8th Edition Citation Style
    4. Tutorial: Academic Integrity
    5. Video: Plagiarism
    6. Quiz: Citations and Academic Integrity

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