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HIS 119 - Modern Latin America: Home

Use this guide for suggested resources for the Modern Latin America Thesis and Bibliography assignment.

Assignment Details

Welcome Students! 

This guide was designed to demonstrate the varied types of sources you might access for your research homework assignments for Professor Williams's Modern Latin America course. 

Homework Parts 1-4

Due December 22, 2022

Select a topic or area of interest from your course textbook. At this stage, it could also be a concept from your syllabus readings

  • Regional tensions
  • National economies
  • Political instability
  • Reform movements and revolutions.
  • Role of women
  • Religious upheavals
  • Cultural/artistic movements
  • Problems of sovereignty.

2.) Write a summary on the topic from your textbook.

3.) From Jules Benjamin's or other work, write a description of how students and research scholars conduct research.  Be sure to identify the steps to conducting research.  

MLA 9th Ed. Citations for your works: 

Teresa A. Meade. A History of Modern Latin America 1800 to the Present. 2010.

Benjamin, Jules. A Student's Guide to History, 12th Edition. 2013.

II. Use the Library's catalog and database to find 4 sources relevant to your topic. Cite them as above in MLA 8th ed. format. 

III. Expand your research to the Internet.

  • Use some of the recommendations in this guide to find reputable web sources useful to your research. 
  • Write a summary from your sources of the instructions for how to effectively search and evaluate internet sources. (Recommend CRAAP test; 5 Ws). 
  • Provide 5 Internet Sources in MLA 8th ed. format.

IV. Key to Research and Citing MLA Format.  

  • Come up with a research question related to your topic.  First stage of research, is coming up with a research question.  Based on your subject (subject your provided in homework 1).
  • Provide your research question
  • Write a thesis.  This is your statement/response to your research question.  Remember, the Thesis is the main points you want to make on the subject. 
  •  Provide an MLA Bibliography of no less than 10 Sources.

Your Texts

A student’s guide to history, 8th ed.

Jules Benjamin's A Student's Guide to History guides students through the writing process--from formulating a research question, common methods of research in the field of history, and managing and using sources.

A History of Modern Latin America

A History of Modern Latin America: 1800 to the Present examines the diverse and interlocking experiences of people of indigenous, African, and European backgrounds from the onset of independence until today.

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