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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

LibGuides For Faculty: Why A LibGuide?

Why A LibGuide?

Today’s millennial students set high expectations for academic libraries. It is not just enough for the library to own the resources; librarians must explore new ways to deliver those resources to engage their patrons. 

That's where LIBGUIDES come in!! 

LibGuides are subject guides created by librarians at Westchester Community College Library.  They contain lists of subject/topic related resources in an array of formats (books, articles, electronic resourcxes, websites, etc.).  These online resources provide detailed information, instruction and advice concerning the best strategies, techniques, and resources for research in a subject or field of study while promoting library resources to the college community.

LibGuides are a GREAt place to start your research!!

LibGuides may be seamlessly integrated into course management systems like Blackboard or used in traditional in-class information literacy sessions.  

LibGuides can be designed as:

  • course specific research tools aimed at a particular assignment with streamlined and immediate access to those  library resources and services relevant to the assignments
  • guides to using library resources providing easy access to the main service points of the library
  • general subject guides that can be used across a particular curriculum.


LibGuides Intro

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