APA 7th Edition: Reference List: Citing Periodicals (Journals, Newspapers, Magazines)

Reference List: Print Periodicals

Magazine Article

Basic Format

Author Last name, First initial. (Date of article). Title of Article. Title of Publication, Volume(Issue),

     Page number. 


Greene, D. (2019, November 4). Playing with the big dogs. Sports Illustrated, 130(31), 30.

Parenthetical (In-text) citation: (Greene, 2019) or Narrative citation: Greene (2019)


Newspaper Article

Basic Format

Author Last name, First initial. (Date of article). Title of Article. Title of Publication, Volume(Issue),

     Page number. 


Paddock, R. C. (2019, December 20). Indonesia defies study on waste-plastic forest. The New York Times,      

     169(58,547), A10.

Parenthetical (In-text) citation: (Paddock, 2019) or Narrative citation: Paddock (2019)


Journal Article

Basic Format

Author Last name, First initial. (Date of article). Title of Article. Title of Publication, Volume(Issue),

     Page number. 


Cristin, M. A., & Colombo, C.J. (2019) Family-centered care in the ICU: Strength in numbers. Critical Care      

     Medicine, 47(12), 1800.

Parenthetical citation: (Cristin & Colombo, 2019) or Narrative citation: Cristin & Colombo (2019)

Online Periodicals

Journal, Magazine, or Newspaper Article from a Website

Last name, First initial (Date). Title of article. Title of publication. URL 


Guarino, B. (2017, December 4). How will humanity react to alien life? Psychologists have some

     predictions. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-


Periodicals with a DOI from Database

Journal, Magazine, or Newspaper Article with a DOI, from Databases

A digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique alphanumeric string assigned by a registration agency (the International DOI Foundation) to identify content and provide a persistent link to its location on the internet. The publisher assigns a DOI when your article is published and made available electronically. (https://apastyle.apa.org/learn/faqs/what-is-doi)

Basic Format:

Author Last name, First initial. (Date of article). Title of Article. Title of Publication, Volume(Issue),

     Page number. DOI


Sigurdson, J. F., Undheim, A. M., Wallander, J. L., Lydersen, S., & Sund, A. M. (2015). The long-term effects

     of being bullied or a bully in adolescence on externalizing and internalizing mental health problems in

     adulthood. Child & Adolescent Psychiatry & Mental Health, 9(1), 1–13. https:// doi.org/10.1186/s13034-


Parenthetical citation: (Sigurdson et al., 2015) or Narrative citation: Sigurdson et al. (2015)

Periodicals without a DOI, from Databases

Journal, Magazine, or Newspaper Article without a DOI, from Databases

A digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique alphanumeric string assigned by a registration agency (the International DOI Foundation) to identify content and provide a persistent link to its location on the internet. The publisher assigns a DOI when your article is published and made available electronically. (https://apastyle.apa.org/learn/faqs/what-is-doi)

Basic Format

Author(s) Last name, First initial. (Year of article). Title of Article. Title of Publication, Volume(Issue), Page



Voelker, T., Love, L., & Pentina, I. (2012). Plagiarism: What don’t they know? Journal of Education for

     Business, 87 (1), 36-41.

Parenthetical (In-text) citation: (Voelker et al., 2012) or Narrative citation: Voelker et al. (2012)

Note: Do not include the database name or URL. Published, online sources are cited the same as print sources. If the complete date is available format as (2015, May 14)

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