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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

ITECH 110 - Digital Imaging 1 : Professor Krikun: Licensing Work

This research guide will help students in Digital Imaging understand Creative Commons,different types of image licensing agreements and how to search for images for reuse and modification.

Licensing Your Art to Manufacturers

Exhibit/make connections at annual Manufacturing Trade Shows: 

Links to trade shows

Licensing Caveats - incorporating the work of others

US postage stamp showing Korean War Veterans Memorial

The US Postal service issued the Korean War Veterans Memorial stamp in 2002. While the Post Office licensed the photograph of the sculpture from the photographer, they did not seek permission from sculptor Frank Gaylord to photograph his work.

Adam Lister - Pixelated Art

Pixelated version of Van Gogh's Self Portrait, 1889.

Van Gogh self-portrait, Art History 101 series by Adam Lister. (Original Painting by Vincent van Gogh, 1889). *note attribution to original work.

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