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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

ITECH 110 - Digital Imaging 1 : Professor Krikun: Copyright and Fair Use

This research guide will help students in Digital Imaging understand Creative Commons,different types of image licensing agreements and how to search for images for reuse and modification.

Copyright and Fair Use

Copyright protects original creative expression once it has been "fixed in a tangible medium" (e.g. recorded, printed, painted etc).

Licensing means you retain the copyright on a work and rent it to another party for a fee under contract. 

Fair Use allows the public to use copyrighted material without asking permission for commentary and criticism, such as quoting material in a research paper or writing a film review.

Public Domain refers to creative works that are not, or are no longer, protected by copyright, trademark or patent law. No permission is required to use these works. No one may take a public domain work and copyright or trademark it.

Copyright and Fair Use Information

Copyright and the Bernie Meme

Senator Bernie Sanders (Vt), wearing mittens, seated next to fictional character Forest Gump

@lulucronk. "Poor Bernie." Twitter, 21 Jan. 2021.

Copyright in the News

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