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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

ITECH 110 - Digital Imaging 1 : Professor Krikun: Protect Your Work

This research guide will help students in Digital Imaging understand Creative Commons,different types of image licensing agreements and how to search for images for reuse and modification.

Copyright Your Work

Do you have to register a copyright to take advantage of copyright law?

Answered On Mar 17, 2011
"No, you don't have to register a copyright to take advantage of copyright law. For example, you can sell or license a copyrighted work even if you have not registered. However, if you have made an investment in your work, it is a good idea to register it with the Copyright Office. If you register your work early, then if it is ever infringed, you have preserved the right to recovery attorneys fees and "statutory damages" in any future lawsuit."
Recommended websites with information about copyrighting your work:

The Oatmeal

"Exposure." The Oatmeal. 2016, Accessed 2 February 2017.

Protecting Your Work

Other Useful Websites

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