Use the tips under the Search Strategy tab to develop a list of keywords to search. Do not type in whole sentences.
If you are off campus, you will need to log-in using your MyWCC username and password.
WCC Library subscribes to a wide range of databases. You must be a current student, staff, or faculty member to use these databases. (See the Work Off-Campus tab above.) You may view a complete listing of the library's databases or click on the links on the left to search databases that are recommended for your assignment.
Remember to apply the Search Strategies outlined under the Search Strategy tab. Do not type in whole sentences.
Enter your keywords in the search boxes. Before running your search, check the FULL TEXT box under Limit your results to get the full articles. When you are looking for Academic Journal articles, you can check the PEER REVIEWED Box. Some databases will give you mostly Peer Reviewed articles and some, like Academic Search Complete will give you a mix of magazine, newspaper and peer reviewed articles.
The icons by the articles will tell you the type of resource they are: Academic Journal articles, Periodical (magazine articles), News (newspaper articles), you will also find book reviews, conference papers and other sources that are not useful for this assignment. Look for the year of the article (you can limit the results on the left. Click on the magnifying class to the right of the title to get a description of the article. That will give you an idea if the article will be useful before taking a closer look.
JSTOR will allow you to limit results to Subject field (e.g. Art & Art History), which may help eliminate less useful results. *The Date limiter will limit the date of the articles, not the period being studied.