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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

ART 108 - Art of the Ancient World - Prof. Jones Fall 24: Your Assignment

Research Project

For the Research Project, you can complete a mini art exhibition, a video guide, a podcast guide, or propose something different.

For the research project, you can use research already gathered, organized, and published by others (secondary). The secondary information you collect must be academic (no blogs, Wikipedia, magazines, or newspaper articles). You need a total of 5 sources for this project. Do not use AI-generated research, Khan Academy, Smart History, Art Story, Wikipedia, or any other encyclopedia source. Only use the sources above for their bibliography and not the content. You will notice that some of the information in the bibliography is from outside academic sources. You should not use those sources.

The goal is for you to develop your own original idea based on your research and visual observation of an artwork. You may use the work you used for your Visual Analysis assignment.  Your thesis will be based on your research and the artwork's formal elements. You can include iconography, symbolism, historical information, biography, etc. However, the research and the formal analysis should guide your thesis. You will lose points if your project includes irrelevant information that does not support your thesis. You can write about a style, an artwork, and an artist from any place in the world as long as it is within the timeframe of the course. 

­­­­Your project should be titled. The supporting essay should have 1-inch margins on all sides, and you should use a standard font no larger than 12 pt (this translates into approximately 750 to 1000 words). It should also be free of grammatical errors and have proper punctuation, capitalization, italics, and citations.

The project should include the following:

 1.   A thesis statement (an argument) developed by you from the research you gather and the visual information in the artwork. 

3.  A detailed analysis of the formal characteristics of the work and how it relates to the information you have uncovered.

4. Use your own words. Limit the use of direct quotes. However, you still need to cite the ideas.

5. Bibliography and citations in any style, but please be consistent.

6. Title, Artist, Year of the painting. The title of the painting should be italicized.


The Pocket Exhibition - Students will conceive a “pocket exhibition” with three to four works. Each proposed exhibition will be focused on one artwork or theme. The requirements of the exhibition are:

1.        Three to four artworks.

2.        Each artwork will have a label (150 words)

3.        A main exhibition wall text (200 to 300 words)

4.        A 500 to 750-word essay explaining the conceptual and theoretical frameworks of the exhibition, 

5.        A one-page bibliography. 


Video or Podcast: Use the information you garnered from your research, and instead of writing a paper, you can create a video in the style of Smarthistory or a podcast in the style of Sidedoor that is at most six minutes long. A 500 to 750-word essay explaining the conceptual and theoretical frameworks of the podcast or video and a one-page bibliography should accompany your project. 


Propose an idea: It is possible that these projects do not interest you. This is your time to be creative. You may want to make an animation, a zine, or something else.  Please meet me during my office hours before you submit your proposal.  

Background research

These sources do not provide scholarly articles, but are good places to get started and review concepts, techniques, themes, and periods.

Mosaic Fragment with Peacock Facing Left  - Getty Museum

Mosaic fragment with peacock facing left. Fifth to sixth century CE, Getty Museum,

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