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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

Faculty Tool Kit: Embedded Librarian

Embedded Librarian Program

What Is an Embedded Librarian?

Embedded librarianship is a collaborative experience involving the librarian, a class instructor, and the students. The librarian is embedded in Brightspace course shells to build links to relevant resources and assist students with their questions. Librarians can post links to research guides, databases, workshops, tutorials and other relevant sources. 

Librarians will browse your Brightspace shells for assignments that require students to use the Library and offer help. Please encourage your students to take advantage of our services. 

What Is Their Instructional Role?

Embedded Librarians do not interpret instructor’s assignments for students, discuss the marking rubric with students, or grade any assignments. They will refer any non-research, course-related questions to the instructor. 


For more information, please contact Prof. Yvonne Rode.

Embed a Librarian Request Form

Embed a Librarian in Brightspace

Please do not Embed a Librarian in your course shell without filling out the Embed a Librarian Request form (above) first.



1: In your courseshell go to Course Tools > Roster  


2: Click Add Participants > Add Existing User


3: Search for Librarian by either last name or first name last name and not: last name, first name (though that would make more sense...).

4: Select Librarian in search results, choose WES - Course Builder as Role and click Enroll Selected User.


oh look, last name, first name. Hmmmm

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