"Cabin in the Woods (still)." Lifestyle Chatter, The Most Paused Moments In Movie History | Lifestyle Chatter - Part 3
Millie Bobbie Brown as Eleven. Screenrant.com, 6 Nov. 2017, screenrant.com/stranger-things-eleven-death/. Accessed 22 Sept. 2020.
Consider using the tools within the library databases to help with your search. Is there a Terminology Glossary or search tool?
Look at the search terms associated with results you find useful. What other sources are associated with those search words/ideas?
The Basics
Eg: Stephen King's exploration of child abuse and trauma in IT. (This is a topic, not a search phrase!)
Search: coming of age and Stephen King; Stephen King and adolescence, Horror and adolescence; King's IT and trauma
Keyword Searching
Try different forms of your words:
Try more specific/advanced terms or concepts that you have learned
You may return unexpected results, but keep trying revising the words and/or reducing the number of words.
You can Broaden: Instead of “soucouyant or soucriant” try “Caribbean mythology”
Or Narrow: Instead of Vampires try “Dracula” or other character
Power Searching
Boolean operators: AND narrows your search results
Boolean operators: OR expands your search using variations of terms
Boolean operators: NOT removes terms you’re not interested in
Truncation – another way to search variations of terms at once by using the asterisk as a wildcard symbol
Instead of: apocalyptic OR apocalypse
Try: apocalyp*
Try: 1960*
Try: *ploitation films
Try: were()wolves
Phrases – look for a particular set of words in a specific order by enclosing them in quotation marks
“Walking Dead”
"Night of the Living Dead"
Limits – narrow down that huge set of results you have
Range of years: 2008-2018
Subject terms: terms used by the database to organize the resources
Type of material: books, scholarly, etc.