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STEM: Natural History of Plants: Citing Images without Credited Photographer or Artist and/or without a Title

Citing an Image without a Photographer or Artist and/or without a Title



Examples of Digital Image types: [Photograph], [Illustration], [Chart], [Diagram], [Graph], or [Map].

In-text citation:

       If you are using the image visually (for example, in a PowerPoint or brochure), cite the first 2-3 words of the title in quotation marks and the year of publication in parenthesis.

                ("Vitamin D," 2007).

       If you are using or describing the image in a written paper, integrate the title and year into the text of your paper.

              As shown in "Vitamin D" (2007), multiple food sources such as cheese, butter, and fish contain vitamin D.


Bow Valley College. "How to Cite an Image with Photographer from Google or Website." Bow Valley College LibGuides, Bow Valley College, 27 May 2020,

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