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STEM: Natural History of Plants: How to Get Involved

Flock Together

Join networks of people who care for the land. Partner with garden clubs, environmental and nature non-profits, schools, municipal boards, conservation advisory councils, tree boards, open space committees, or restoration groups. Work together to make a more powerful, far-reaching impact.

Go to Plant Sales

Attend native plant sales and nurseries. See the plants and learn more about them first hand. Westchester Community College's Native Plant Center's annual plant sale is the last Saturday in April. At the sale, knowledgeable volunteers are available to answer questions. Plant natives in your yard, experiment, watch the wildlife. Have fun.

Visit Native Plant Gardens!

Create Wildlife Habitats

If you are a gardener, expand your own planting palette and encourage others to do the same by planting native plants that have the most benefit for wildlife. Start simple - encourage a hummingbird garden with a few species, add a few berry-producing shrubs, etc. Expand existing gardens to take up more lawn area.

Remember: Many species of birds and pollinators are in decline and need your help!

Levien, Roger. “Broad-tailed Hummingbird at a Trumpet Honeysuckle.” National Audubon Society, 11 Jan. 2021,

Remove Invasive Species

Some non-native plants - those that have been introduced to an area - become invasive and cause harm to natural systems and communities of plants and animals by out-competing the native plants. These species depend on and that provide more valuable habitat. The problem is so serious that New York State passed regulations prohibiting and regulating the sale of 75 plant species.

Join invasive removal efforts in your community!

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Westchester Community College provides accessible, high quality and affordable education to meet the needs of our diverse community. We are committed to student success, academic excellence, workforce development, economic development and lifelong learning.

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Valhalla, NY 10595
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