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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

RAD207 Special Procedures - Professor Scalea: Home

What's Here?

The resources on this pages will help you:

  • Formulate a search on your topic
  • Find articles in the library databases
  • Find books in the library catalog
  • Search for reliable resources on the web
  • Cite your sources in APA format.
  • Get additional help


Welcome! This research guide was created for students in Professor Scalea's Special Procedures course RAD207.

You have been assigned a project that requires locating authoritative sources in order to prepare a research paper and presentation about a topic related to radiography. The paper will include an APA formatted references page listing all the sources you have used. You will give a 10-minute presentation about your research findings to the class.

This guide is a customized resource for this particular course and assignment.

You can get help with your research project from a librarian either by going to the library in person or emailing the librarian who is assigned to your class (see under Help tab). 

For additional information on your assignment and due dates ask your professor.


Source: Röntgen, Wilhelm. (1896). [An early X-ray picture (radiograph) taken at a public lecture by Wilhelm Röntgen (1845–1923) of Albert von Kölliker's left hand].

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Yvonne Rode
Harold L. Drimmer Library
Room L207
Westchester Community College
75 Grasslands Road
Valhalla, NY 10595

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Phone: 914.606.6961

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