You can quickly identify books at the Drimmer Library with a search in the Catalog.
When searching for books for literary criticism, think broadly. Books are good for finding information about:
For books including literary criticism of an author's works, try typing in as keywords the author's name and truncate the word "criticism" - for example
Shakespeare and critic*
Search for information about a particular author by searching the author's last name as the "SUBJECT" field for biographical and critical material about your author's work.
You can also try searching the name of the novel, short story, or poem as keywords.
Locate a book in the library using the Call Number. Since call numbers act as the address of the book on the shelf, and are assigned based on subject, you might want to look at the nearby books as well.
Gale E-Books allow users to browse, search and download digitally reproduced ebook articles from any Internet-connected device.
GVRL provides significant passages of published criticism on authors from various literary eras, regions, cultural groups and forms of literature from trusted, authoritative reference works.