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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

Prof. Mallory - ENG101 Writing and Research : Child Labor (SPRING 2025): Finding Articles

Recommended Databases

Use the tips under the Search Strategy tab to develop a list of keywords to search. Do not type in whole sentences.

If you are off campus, you will need to log-in using your MyWCC username and password.

Database Search Help: Filters and Tools

WCC Library subscribes to a wide range of databases. You must be a current student, staff, or faculty member to use these databases. (See the Work Off-Campus tab above.)  You may view complete listing of the library's databases or click on the links on the left to search databases that are recommended for your assignment.

Remember to apply the Search Strategies outlined under the Search Strategy tab. Do not type in whole sentences.

New Ebsco search keywords Peer Reviewed

Enter your keywords in the search boxes. Before running your search, check the FULL TEXT box under Limit your results to get the full articles. Check the PEER REVIEWED box to limit to Peer Reviewed articles only, which you will need for this assignment. Some databases will give you mostly Peer Reviewed articles and some, like Academic Search Complete, will give you a mix of magazine, newspaper and peer reviewed articles. 

The articles will be labeled by the type of source they are: Peer Reviewed/Academic Journal, Periodical (magazine articles), News (newspaper articles), you will also find book reviews, conference papers and other sources that are not useful for this assignment. 

New Ebsco Source Type Labels

You can limit the source types to only Peer Reviewed (aka Scholary, Academic, Professional articles) by clicking the Peer Review box just under the search box at the top of the screen. You can also refine your results after your search by clicking ALL FILTERS and limiting to Peer Reviewed or specific source types such as Newspapers or Magazines and then APPLY your selections.

Note that while the majority of articles in Academic Journals are peer reviewed , you can also find book reviews, editorials and other resources. 

New Ebsco Source Type Filters


Read the Abstract of the article to see if it is interesting. The first few sentences will appear below the article information. Click on SHOW MORE to see the rest of the Abstract or Summary.  Click on the TOOLS icon (three vertical dots) in to the right of the article title for citation, email and other sharing options. 

New Ebsco Interface Show More Abstract and Tools icon


Under TOOLS you can select CITE to get an APA formatted citation or then Export to Noodle Tools. Under SHARE you can email the article to yourself or find the permalink to post in your course shell or share with your professor or a librarian. Download will give you the full-text of the article if it is available. A PDF link will also appear under the abstract.

New EBSCO interface Tools Cite Share


New Ebsco interface CITE function\

Permalink to share your articles

Click on the TOOLS icon (three vertical dots) to the right of the article title (see above) > SHARE > Create Link for a shareable link you can send to your professor to have your articles approved or share with a librarian if you have questions about the article content or usefulness in this project.

Do NOT copy and paste the URL in your browser window, it will time out after your search session.


New Ebsco interface - Permalink

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