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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

Prof. Mallory - ENG101 Writing and Research : Child Labor (SPRING 2025): Search Strategy

Find your Keywords

When searching the the catalog and databases for sources, do not type in whole sentences.


There is no one 'correct' search word to use. Different keywords will give you more results. Think of words that mean the same or something similar as your topic and try those words too. 

E.g. Child, Children, Youth, Minors, Underage


Look for Names of People and Places related to your topic, in addition to Authors and Subject Experts and where they are from or Organizations and Agencies, Titles of studies and where they were published when mentioned in the texts, you might want to track down these sources for more information.

e.g. U.S. Department of Labor; Fair Labor Standards Act (1938), Coogans Law


 You may need to broaden or narrow  your search terms depending on your results :

Broader Search:  Child Exploitation instead of Child Labor

Narrower Search: Meat-Processing instead of Factory


Use the asterisk * to truncate words and widen your search. Child* will search for Child, and Children

Use quotation marks to keep phrases together: e.g. "Underage Workers" "Overnight Shift" 


e.g. search  Child Labor AND United States

 Child* AND "Overnight Shift"

Migrant Child* and Meatpacking and United States

Child Labor AND Clothing AND India

Child Labor AND Farm* AND United States

Try your search terms in different combinations to get the greatest number of results.


Find Additional Keywords

Read the abstract of the articles you find to see if they will be of use. The abstracts are a good place to find additional keywords and terms that may be helpful in your research.


Abstract "when I grow up.. I don't want to be broke"

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