Links below via Credo Reference. Require WCC log-in if off campus.
The resources below can help you get ideas for a paper topic. You can browse around or search to get ideas. These items are dictionaries and encyclopedias and are not professional sources. If you are off-campus you will need to log in with your MyWCC user ID and password.
When searching the databases for articles, do not type in whole sentences. Pick out the key words in your assigned topic:
You will be searching for an article from a psychological journal discussing the behavior you also recorded in your observation.
E.g. if you observed a child piling blocks on top of each other again and again until they no longer topple down you will look for articles on Abstract Thinking or Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development: Formal Operations etc. which discusses the behavior or similar behavior.
Think of other terms that can be used to describe the event you are researching and try those also: e.g. Abstract Reasoning: Logic, Deductive Reasoning etc and try those search terms also.
You might need to search multiple times in a single database before deciding it does not have any useful articles.
Use the asterisk * to truncate words and widen your search. Child* will search for Child, Children and Childhood.
Use quotation marks to keep phrases together: e.g. "Stages of Cognitive Development"
Try your search terms in different combinations to get the greatest number of results.
The sources below do NOT contain scholarly articles. They are for background research and supplementary materials for your paper and presentation.