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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

Prof. Mallory - English 101 - Indigenous Cultures of the Far North: Your Assignment

Your Assignment


Image resultTopic: Research Indigenous cultures of the far North: Canada, Greenland/Denmark and the northeast people of Europe, such as Norway, Finland or Russia.

Essay Prompt:

The traditional way of life of Indigenous (nomadic/semi-nomadic) cultures is on the decline. Choose one country/indigenous group. Examine the relationship between the indigenous group and their environment. What are the environmental forces that pose significant risks to their survival? Analyze governmental intervention (or lack of it) in the indigenous community both past and present. Argue either for or against it. Finally, discuss the ways in which (if any) the loss of this culture will affect the indigenous group as a whole and society at large.

Type of source material: web, library print, library database, periodicals, scholarly journals, interviews, other audio/visual materials, government docs, etc.

Minimum number of sources: Five (5)  

Documentation - Students are required to use MLA (8th ed.) when citing secondary sources both in-text and end of text. 


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