You have a two part assignment that requires you to use the database PsycARTICLES to find scholarly research articles in the field of Psychology. You will need to summarize, cite in APA format and answer a series of questions about the research you find.
Part 1: Conduct an Author search for a Psychology article written in the past 10 years.
Provide and APA formatted citation of the article and then summarize the article (2 or 3 sentences) based on the article ABSTRACT.
Part 2: Find a peer-reviewed article on research using more than 100 participants on a Psychological topic of your choice.
To the best of your ability, answer the following questions:
1. What was the problem the article was trying to solve?
2. What was the number of participants? What type of animals or people were being studied?
3. If it is an experiment what was the independent and dependent variable? If it is correlational what types of variables are being studied?
4. What were the major conclusions drawn at the end of this study
5. What was interesting (if it was) about the study?
6. What can be done to improve the study? (limitations)
You can get help with your library assignment from a librarian either by going to the library in person or emailing the librarian who taught your research session (see under Help tab).
For additional information on your assignment and due dates ask your professor.
The tabs above will give you detailed information on how to complete each part of the library assignment.
The section How to Read and Summarize a Scholarly Article will help you interpret the information in the articles you find and answer the questions in your assignment.
Under Citing and Plagiarism you will find help on how to correctly cite your articles in APA format.
Although scholarly information can be found using Google (and Google Scholar) this assignment requires you to learn how to conduct research using the specialized behavioral science database APA PsycARTICLES, which provides full-text scholarly articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association and affiliated professional organizations.