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HIS 104 - Global History to 1648 - Professor Christolyn Williams: Sources: Internet Media and Resources

Provides guidance for Prof. Williams's Thesis and Bibliography assignment.

Accessing and Using Online Videos

Search Google or a site like YouTube using the keywords and phrases that describe your topic. Add the word documentary to get more reliable results.

Be sure you EVALUATE the source in terms of authorship, relevance, and credibility before using it for an academic purpose! 

CITATION: Africa: A History Denied. Perf. Sam Waterston. YouTube. The History Channel, 2005. Web. 22 Mar. 2016.

Online Video

Let's cite this video:


WHO are the authors/producers/performers?

WHAT is the title of the film?

WHEN was it created?

WHEN was it posted?

WHERE was it downloaded from?

WHEN did you watch it?

Evaluating Online Videos

Not sure if the video you found contains reliable information? Browse the checklist below and apply the recommendations to your video!

Issues of Authority & the Web

Google and Google Scholar are useful tools for historians, giving them access to: 

  • Historical Archives, Museum Collections, and Research Institutes
  • ​Visualizations using historical data
  • Transcripts of ancient texts
  • "Open" digital scholarship 

Students may also employ the "trick" of adding .org; .edu; .gov to any Google search in order to retrieve more professional resources. 

Evaluating Websites

Not sure if the information you found has come from a reliable website?  Browse the websites linked below or watch the video and apply their recommendations!

Using Wikipedia for Academic Research

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