We want to help you become a better searcher. Keywords are only the beginning. Knowing how your favorite database uses the terms you put into the search box may make all the difference in your being able to find what you need quickly and effectively.
Notable tips:
Most databases offer Advanced Search options. These can appear in drop-down menus, as links from a navigation menu, or even as a sliding scale (e.g, for dates). These options may only appear after a search is made or on a separate web page. Possibilities include:
*Recommended: When developing complex searches in databases that offer the option to combine searches:
There is no one 'correct' search word to use. Different keywords will give you more results.
Think of words that mean the same or something similar as your topic and try those words too.
You may need to broaden or narrow your search terms depending on your results :
Use the asterisk * to truncate words and widen your search. network* will search for network, networks and networking.
Use quotation marks to keep phrases together: e.g. "Social Media"
Try your search terms in different combinations to get the greatest number of results.