To ensure your search returns articles that meet the requirements of the assignment, be sure the use the limiters under Search Options before you start your search.
The databases can tell you about articles they have no rights to reproduce. To ensure you can also access the article, check the Full-Text box.
To limit your search results to professional journals: Look for a box for Scholarly, Academic or Peer-Reviewed Journals and check it. Some databases may also give you the option to exclude book-reviews and non-article content from your results.
To limit your results to articles written in the past 10 years, fill in the Year of Publication or Published boxes.
The database you use may have a slightly different search page than the one pictured below, but they all work the same way and have similar search options.
Many databases can tell you about articles which could be helpful for your research, but they don't have the rights to reproduce.
If you find an article that is not available full-text, go to Find Periodicals (at the bottom of the main database page) to find out if it is available in another database. Be sure to note what year your article is from.
You can request any article (or book) that is not found in our library through interlibrary loan. Fill out the ILL form (under "How do I?" on the main library page). Keep in mind that it will take time to borrow the material from another library.