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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

Caribbean History (Professor Bishop): Academic Support Services

Academic Support Center Virtual Services / Writing Help

Ask-A-Tutor is the Academic Support Center's online email-based tutoring service. 

WCC students will be able to access the Academic Support Center tutorial services remotely during the college closure.

Ask-A-Tutor Hours:

Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 p.m. 

For more information about Ask-A-Tutor, visit

Virtual Tutoring Through ZOOM:

Students can use Ask-A-Tutor to request a ZOOM virtual tutoring session. Use the links on the Ask-A-Tutor page to select the subject and complete the form. In the question field, request a  ZOOM session and include questions or upload files. The tutor will reply with a meeting invitation link where both can access the Zoom meeting. 

Requesting a Zoom Tutoring Session should be done with at least 12 hours’ notice.  

Where to Find Help


NetTutor is a FREE online tutoring service for WCC students during hours when the Academic Support Center is closed. It is available for students who are enrolled in courses that are supported by the Academic Support Center.

Their tutors help students understand problems and concepts using examples directly from the course materials, and other materials obtained from the school by using the Socratic Method. 

There are three modes of online tutoring that are available:

  • Ask NetTutor: Connect to a live tutor for immediate assistance.
  • NetTutor Q&A Center: Drop off a question and receive feedback from a tutor.
  • NetTutor Paper Center: Submit your paper, lab report, or technical writing for review.

To view the list of courses that can receive tutoring via NetTutor click here

NetTutor Hours:

Monday: 12 am – 6 am, 5pm – 11:59 pm
Tuesday: 12 am – 6 am, 5 pm – 11:59 pm
Wednesday: 12 am – 6 am, 5 pm – 11:59 pm
Thursday: 12 am – 6 am, 5 pm – 11:59 pm
Friday: 12 am – 11:59 pm
Saturday: 12 am – 11:59 pm
Sunday: 12 am – 11:59 pm

Visit Net Tutor

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