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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

Controversial Issues: Find books

Writing an opinion or argumentative paper? Need to find quality sources on controversial topics? This is the guide for you!

Keyword & Subject Searching

The WCC Library Catalog and most online databases can be searched using keywords.  A keyword search will find any listing that contains the word or words. 

Caution!  When you type just one word, you will get a listing of all items that include your search word anywhere in the description, such as the subject headings, title, or the author’s name.

For example, if want books about the city of Chicago, you probably don't want to include books about the artist Judy Chicago, or the Chicago Review Press books on practicing to take professional nursing exams. A subject search would give you better results in this case.


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Locate newspapers, magazines, or journals available in print or electronic format:

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