Plagiarism is a major offense. It can result in you failing your assignment, or even worse, getting kicked out of college. This is why it is so important for you to have a works cited page at the end of your research paper. No matter where the text comes from, it must be documented accurately. As a reminder, for this assignment, your professor wants it done according to current MLA guidelines.
MLA, 9th ed. Quick Guide - An easy-to-use guide showing sample citations for a variety of different resources.
Sample MLA 9 Research Paper - An example of what your finished paper should look like.
Many of the databases are provided through the EBSCO platform. EBSCO is not the name of a database. Look for the name above the search box to use in your citations.
The library provides access to NoodleTools, a reference management tool that helps generate accurate MLA and APA citations. It can also help you:
NoodleTools can be accessed for free from on, or off campus.
Current students, faculty and staff may Activate Noodle Accounts (on campus only).
If you would like to activate Noodle Tools from an off-campus location, please email, chat with or visit the library in person to obtain your password.