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Prof. Elias; Eng. 101 - FALL 2023 : Develop a Search Strategy / Databases

Using Keywords

Use keywords and synonyms:

Start by taking keywords directly from your thesis statement.

Use synonyms and related concepts by thinking of other words that mean the same thing as the keywords in your question.

           Ex. civil disobedience or civil disorder

           Ex. non-violent resistance or pacifism

Look at the subject terms in your search results and see if you can use any of those. 

Use truncation:

You can broaden your search results by typing an asterisk symbol * at the end of the root of a word. When you do this, the computer will search for alternative endings for the word you have typed.

For example: 

        protest*    protests     protesting      protested    protestation           

        legal*        legalize(d)      legality     legalization


Suggested Databases

The library’s databases include multicultural perspectives in scholarship that are often overlooked and underrepresented (Ex. Ethnic News Watch, LGBTQ+ Source, EBSCO Diversity eBooks Collection).

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