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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

Across that Bridge by John Lewis: Get your book

Get the code for your e-book

Faculty: Contact Common Read Co-Chairs Margaret Eiden ( or Helen O'Brien ( if you would like to use Across that Bridge in your class.

Staff and Admin should also contact the committee if they would like an ebook code.

Students: Ask your professor for a link to redeem your e-book code. 

Redeem your code

The screenshots below are from a Mac using the Chrome browser, your view may be different.


1: Click on the CODE you were given to access the GLOSE website and click Redeem

If you do not have a Code, please contact your professor. Faculty: Please contact Committee Co-Chairs (see above) if you would like to use this book in your class.

2: Confirm you want to redeem Across that Bridge

3: You will need to create a {free} GLOSE account if you do not already have a GLOSE account.

Accept the terms and conditions and click on Sign up with Other.

Redeem your code, cont'd

4: Create a username and password. Click GET STARTED when you are done.

5:  You are all set! See the E-book Help tab for help on navigating your e-book.

You can access the ebook from any device by returning to and logging into your account.


Glose Apps

The Glose App provides some additional accessibility features not available on the web version. 

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