Enter your keyword search in the box below to search the Harold L. Drimmer Library's catalog for Books, DVDs, CDs, or eBooks.
If you need help using the catalog, ask a librarian.Circulating items can be checked out for 3 weeks with your WCC ID.
Reference and Reserve items must be used in the library.
Search the library catalog to find Books and other Media in the Harold L. Drimmer Library.
To find career information in your field, search {job field} AND Careers or {job field} AND "Vocational Guidance" or {job field} AND Occupations.
If you do not find any results, broaden your search (e.g. search Education instead of Early Childhood Teacher or Law Enforcement instead of Police Officer).
Enter your search terms and click SEARCH. Click on a title for more information.
To find the book on the WCC Library shelves, you will need the CALL NUMBER and LOCATION.
Most career and vocational guidance books will be located in the COLLEGE AND CAREER section on the first floor of the library, near the Reference Desk. REFERENCE books are also on the first floor. Books with the location CIRCULATING COLLECTION are on the second and third floors.
The general section on careers will be found under the Call Numbers HF 5381 - HF 5382. Books on careers in specific fields may be found in their respective subject sections.
Not sure how to follow Library of Congress call numbers? Look here to see how they are arranged.