Some of the articles will discuss your company's values, mission and philosophy. However, search results will not be consistent since more information is available for iconic companies such as Apple or Starbucks than for other corporations.
Example: I am looking for articles about Netflix's mission, values and culture.
- Type mission or organizational aims or values or vision or corporate culture into the first box
- Type Netflix into the second box and select Co Company Entity with the pull-down menu
- Click Search
- You can limit articles to more recent ones with the Publication Date limiter on the left-hand side of the screen
Example: I want to locate interviews with Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix.
- Type Netflix into the first box and select Co Company Entity with the pull-down menu
- Type Hastings into the second box
- Type Interviews into the last box
- Click Search
Example: I want articles on leadership at Netflix.
- Type Netflix into the first box and select Co Company Entity with the pull-down menu
- Type Leadership or Executive Ability or Management or Organizational into the second box and select SU Subject
- Click Search