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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

Prof. Norbury - English 101: Find Articles in a Database

Tips on Searching Databases

  1. Limit your results to Full-Text so the database only provides you with the full text and not just the citation.
  2. If you want to narrow your results look for suggested subject headings to limit your results to that topic
  3. Before reading the whole text of the article browse the abstract.  The abstract is a short summary of the article and will help you decided if the article addresses your topic.   Some databases also supply subject terms.  These can be useful  keywords to search.  
  4. Email yourself a copy of the article (there should be an email button near the article) to ensure you have a copy of the article.  Any email address will work (it doesn't have to be your WCC email).  Emailing the article will also include a citation of the article you can use in your works cited page
  5. Keep in mind the type of source you are look at.  Databases commonly provide access to newspapers, magazines and scholarly journals.  

Types of Periodicals in Databases

Types of periodicals found in databases along with their characteristics

Newspapers:  Written for general readers on a wide variety of topics.  Published daily.

Magazines: Also for current topics, written for general readers with no background in the subject.  Not as frequently published as newspapers but offer more detail.   

Academic Journals: Longer research reports by specialists, written for other specialists. Can be quite technical. (Also called Scholarly / Peer Reviewed / Professional Journals)

Recomended Databases

Use the tips under the Search Strategy tab to develop a list of keywords to search. Do not type in whole sentences.

If you are off campus, you will need to log-in using your MyWCC username and password.

To access the full list of wcc databases click our database link

  • Academic Search Complete
    EBSCO. A general database covering many areas of academic study. Find articles from over 7,000 full-text periodicals and abstracts from more than 11,000 additional journals.
  • The New York Times 1980-present
    Proquest. Comprehensive digital coverage from 1980 to present is available for this internationally renowned U.S. newspaper. The New York Times Book Review and Sunday Magazine are provided in PDF format.
  • Academic OneFile      GALE. More than 14,000 titles, including more than 9,000 peer-reviewed journals and more than 6,000 in full text. Coverage of hard sciences, medicine, engineering and business. Full text for periodicals covered in major bibliographic resources such as CINAHL, BIOSIS, MLS, PsycInfo, ERIC, EconLit, RILM and others.
    Local, regional and national newspapers.
    A database of forty major newspapers published in the state of New York, excluding The New York Times. Click "Browse Publication Title" link to see a complete list of the newspapers included.
    Cover-to-cover full text for 185 national (U.S.) and international newspapers, including Christian Science Monitor, USA Today, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The Times (London), Toronto Star, etc.
    Full-text, 1984-present.

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