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Prof. Margolis - English 102 - Charlotte Delbo’s “Departure and Return” in Convoy to Auschwitz: Home

Your Assignment

This guide will help you for you esay on Charlotee "Delbo's Depature and Return" in Convoy to Auschwitz.  

You must use five source (the Delbo piece counts as one source)

You should also use Literary Devices for background information but it can't count as a cited source


Research Paper 750-1000 words minimum  


All research is required to be attached.  See syllabus.

Minimum 5 sources – Delbo’s essay 4 other scholarly works (1 must be a print book)


Paper on Charlotte Delbo’s “Departure and Return” in Convoy to Auschwitz plus a documentary image.


You are required to propose a topic to me, either by email or in person, for approval. Do not begin your paper until your topic is approved.  No unapproved topics will receive credit.  All evidence is required to be based on credible and scholarly books, articles, newscasts, documentary films, biographies, etc.  Questions?  Ask.


Follow this structure step-by-step.  Use MLA format in the paper you submit–that means use in-text citations for paraphrases and quotes and create a correctly formatted Works Cited page.  Use


  1. Introduction:  Give brief background/ context based on research on Charlotte Delbo and her essay “Departure and Return.”  Your thesis statement is the last sentence of your introduction and reflects your conclusion on the significance of what you have investigated.


  1. Identify three to four specific rhetorical and/ or literary devices Delbo uses at different points in “Departure and Return,” and pinpoint exact examples. Examples should incorporate short quotes in MLA format to demonstrate her control over language and her use of these techniques. What is the effect of her use of these techniques in the context of the entire piece?


Some of the literary devices she has used may include but are not limited to the following (See: for full review):  (BTW—these terms will be on the midterm short answer part)

  1. Exposition
  2. juxtaposition
  3. simile
  4. Metaphor
  5. Symbolism
  6. Sensory detail
  7. Alliteration
  8. Foreshadowing
  9. Understatement
  10.  Dialogue
  11.  Repetition for emphasis
  12.  Flash forward / or flashback
  13.  imagery
  14.  allusion
  15. ethos
  16.  pathos
  17.  logos


  1. Narrow your focus to one subject/ theme/image in Delbo’s essay that you find particularly compelling.  Identify it.
  1. What about her language makes it compelling? (DO NOT repeat the same examples you used above).
  2. What about the information and historical event is noteworthy?


  1. Based on scholarly research on your narrowed topic (the one you chose that you find compelling), what do others (historians, memoirists, experts, politicians or other credible sources) say about this particular topic?  Is what others say similar to what Delbo says? To what extent?   Is what others say different from what Delbo says?  How is it different?  To what extent? Put your sources in conversation with each other.  [See in Blackboard document on “They Say, I Say].  (Organize these paragraphs topically).


  1. Conclusion: What does the reader learn from  this investigation?  What is its significance (why is it important?)


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Josh Weber

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