While doing this project you will develop a comprehensive overview of a career or a field of work you hope to pursue. Outlined here are all of the required components of your project. The project should be typed double-spaced. Label each section. Remember clear, accurate concise writing is required in all career fields.
The portfolio must include the following aspects:
1. Cover page ….Due Date:
Name and career/field of work
Class and teacher
2. Rationale…Due Date:
A well-developed explanation of why you chose a particular career or field. Explain when you first had the idea to consider your particular career. Include who or what influenced you.
3. Description of the Career….Due Date:
Write a detailed, research-based description of your chosen career. In your description, include the requirements and/or qualifications one needs to become a member of the profession. For example, what college or advanced degrees are needed? Is certification of some kind required? What are the exact steps one must take to secure employment in this field? What are the salary ranges and benefits for this career? Consult the Career Center, 2nd floor Student Center or Library for resources (Include references you used to obtain information on your Work Cited Page at the end of the project.)
4. Field Interview Questions…Due Date:
Compose a set of ten questions that you will use to interview at least one person currently working in your particular field. Avoid framing questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” Try to come up with questions that will provide you with important insight about the work. Make sure that at least one of your questions will help you to answer Part 5 of this assignment.
5. Field Interview (Including a Day in the Life of a ……) Due Date:
Provide your interviewee’s answers to the questions you created in Part 4. Make sure that at least one of your answers provides a snapshot of a typical work day for a person in your career or field of work. This can take the form of a daily schedule, or any ideas that you may have that will effectively communicate what a typical work day is like for a person in your chosen profession. Questions should be in boldface and answers should follow directly after each question.
6. Availability….Due Date:
Do some research about opportunities for future employment in your chosen field. What will the job prospects look like when you are ready to enter the work force?
7. Self-evaluation….Due Date: Complete 3 of the following self-evaluation statements. You must explain yourself; do not write a one-sentence answer. This is a reflection of your work and your experiences with this career research project.
“I am proud of this project because…..”
“The most difficult part of this assignment was…”
“This project shows my ability to…”
“If I had more time, I would….”
“One of my strengths revealed through this project was….”
“During this assignment I became aware that…”
“One thing I would like to do better is…”
“This project shows my improvement in…”
“This project is really good because…”\
“The part of the project I liked best was ________ because…”\
“I would have completed this project better if….”
8. Works cited page….Due Date:
MLA format. Click on the Citation tab for more information.