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LibGuide for Guide Authors: Getting Started: Review/Publish

Almost There

Once you have added all of your content and are ready to publish, there are still a few more steps -- outlined on this page -- that you need to take.

Once these steps are completed, your guide will be published and will be listed on the main Westchester Community College LibGuides page.

Of course, you can continue to make changes to the guide after it is published.

Reviewing and Publishing Your Guide

Reviewing your guide:

  • To see what your guide will look like when published, click on Preview on the yellow command bar at the top of the page. The preview page will open in a new window.

Getting feedback:

  • When you are ready for others to review your guide:
    • Change the status from Unpublished to Private.
      • Click on Status on the command bar.
      • Select Change Guide Status.
      • Select Change to Private from the status drop-down menu (the bottom menu in the box).
      • Click on Save Status.
    • Send a request for feedback, with the URL, to Make sure the URL has "...content.php..." in it, not "..."aecontent.php..."; the aecontent is the edit mode.)
    • The protocol calls for a week for people to provide feedback, after which you can publish the guide. (In special circumstances -- for examples when a guide is needed right away for a presentation -- the guide can be published while still waiting for feedback.)

Publishing your guide:

  • At the end of the feedback period and after you've made any changes, you can publish the guide.
    • Give it a "friendly URL."
      • Click on Status on the command bar
      • Select Change Guide Status.
      • Enter a single word or words running together in the top box. (It will be appended to as the friendly URL for the guide (i.e.,, etc.)
    • Assign the guide to a subject catetgory. (Also done by clicking on Change Guide Status.)
    • Change the status from Private to Published.
    • Optional: Add tags (under Guide Options at the top right). (Do not add tags until you are ready to publish.)
    • Add a Link to the guide on the appropriate subject portal. If it should go on a portal that you do not edit, send a message to the subject librarian.

Subject Guide

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Beth Seelick
This research guide was created by Professor Beth Seelick (1955-2019).
"A teacher affects eternity; she can never tell where her influence stops." ― Henry B. Adams

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