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General Psychology - Prof. Mastromonaco: Google Scholar

What is Google Scholar

 Google Scholar is a search engine that allows users to search for scholarly materials on a topic.  Instead of searching the entire web (like Google), Google Scholar searchs the SCHOLARLY LITERATURE provided by numerous academic publishers, professional societies, universities and scholarly organizations.

Search results include citations from peer-reviewed journals, theses, papers, books and technical reports.

For the most part, Google Scholar provides citation-only results.  The full-text of an article or book CAN BE ACCESSED BY USING THE FIND IT@ WESTCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE LINK.

If you are using Google Scholar off campus, you will need to set your "Scholar Preferences" to Westchester Community College.

Linking Google Scholar to WCC Resources


To link Google Scholar to WCC resources you need to click the 'Settings' link on the top left of the page

When you get to the 'Scholar Settings' click 'Library links' on the left hand side of the page

'Library Links' will let you search for WCC  Library resources.  Type "Westchester Community" in the search box and you should see the following three options below (select all of them and save).  

After linking Google Scholar to WCC Library resources we can look at Google Scholar search results to see what resources are available full-text.   


Searching Google Scholar

Type in your search terms like a normal Google Search.  You will see a list of citations.  Look for links on the right hand side for Full-Text access. 

Clicking the "Full-text @WCC" link will take you to the following page.  Click the "Article" link to get to the full-text of the article.

By clicking the link you will now see the full-text of the article via the library subscribed database

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