The following sites, mainly the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics or U.S. Department of Labor and are good places to start your career research. They provide up to date information on career descriptions, salary, training requirements, job outlook and more.
*The databases include international resources, including "United States" as a search term can help narrow your results. Be sure to look at the DATE of the article before using information about licensing, education etc.
To find articles on career related topic, search the databases using the suggested keywords combinations. Do not type full sentences. You may need to narrow or broaden your career/job title or use other career related phrases to find the information you need.
You may also want to search for interviews with someone in the field about what they do and the skill required
e.g. radiographer AND interview
Use the asterisk * to truncate your search terms for more results e.g., Nurs* will search Nurse, Nurses and Nursing.
Use NOT to disambiguate search terms if you have too many irrelevant results e.g., Nursing NOT Breastfeeding
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