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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

Prof. Stockli ENG 101 Fall 2024: Limit your search

Limit your results

A little about limiters and field searching...

Limit and fields allow criteria to be set before a search is performed; matching results must meet these in order to be retrieved. For example, a search for "elementary education" might retrieve thousands of results, but if we perform the same search but specify a particular author and give a date range for published articles, we can narrow the result set.



Academic Search Complete has many options for limiting search results, as do other search engines. These include language, date published, peer reviewed, and more. Here is what the limits section of the advanced search screen looks like in this database:




Fields are another option that can be used to narrow a search. For example, you can select the "Author" field (in Academic Search Complete this is located in a drop box next to the search box - see below) and then type in an author's name. Ensure your spelling is exact when using this technique or you will not get the desired results.

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