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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

Prof. Tenaglia-Porretta - ENG101 Writing and Research: Find an Article in the Database from the Citation

Search steps

The examples below show how to find articles in the library databases from a citation and cite them in APA format. This class is NOT using APA format but MLA. 

Find Full-Text of Article from Citation

Find Article from partial Citation

We have: Author last name, Year, Article title, but dont know the journal title or what database it might be from.

 Article Citation from Syllabus



From the library homepage, click the EVERYTHING tab above the PRIMO search box. Enter your article title IN QUOTATION MARKS and click SEARCH.

Primo search for article by title



Review the PRIMO search results. Your results may include articles that reference the source you are looking for (results 2 and 3 in our example).

Primo article search results Racial Bias Pain Assessment

If you get no results, check your title and try another search (see below).


Click the article title or AVAILABLE ONLINE to see how to access the article and options to save and email your source.

Primo Article results available online


Under VIEW ONLINE, look at FULL TEXT AVAILABILITY to determine which database(s) or sources the article is available from (here an open access version via Unpaywall and another via the open access publisher website Highwire Press). 

Primo article page toolbar and full text options

Since Highwire Press is an open access publisher, it does not offer the same range of tools and options as most subscription databases. We should use the toolbar under SEND TO on the Primo results page to email, save or cite our article.


Primo Citation options

Click the citation icon and select APA. It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of citations. 


Click the database or source name (e.g. Highwire Free Press) to open the article.

PNAS article

*note there is a cite button on the article page, but it provides the citations from the article, not an APA formatted citation OF the article we have accessed.


Primo No records found message

If no records are found, check your spelling, recheck the title, and/or try entering the title without quotation marks.

Sometimes the database does not pull up the article directly. Try searching the journal first and searching from there. See the instructions in the right column on how to search and browse by Journal.

Find a Journal Title in a Database

Find which Database has a Journal

We have the citation (or part of it) but sometimes searching by the article title doesn't work. We can try to look up which database the journal is in and try from there.

Article in syllabus with complete citation



From the Library homepage, click on the PERIODICALS tab above the search box. Enter your journal title and click SEARCH.

Periodical search from library homepage



If the title is available in one of the databases, it should show up in the results, stating whether it is available in print or online. Here our journal: Journal of Health & Social Behavior is available online.

Primo Journal Title Results

Click the Journal Title or Available Online link for more information about content availability and database link(s).


Under VIEW ONLINE, look at FULL TEXT AVAILABILITY to determine which database(s) the journal is available from (here, JSTOR), along with coverage dates : JSTOR has Journal of Health & Social Behavior starting March 1967 up until 3 years ago, with a moving end date.

Check the publication year of your article to see if a particular database has the full-text for the year you require. In our example we are looking for an article from 2016, so JSTOR should have the full text.

Click the relevant database name to view your search options.


Primo journal results browse or search inside

Under SEARCH INSIDE you can search the journal using whatever title, author, subject or keyword(s) you have.

Under VIEW ONLINE* (see below) you have the option to browse by year, volume and issue.



Primo Journal title search inside by author

In our example, we will enter our authors last name in the SEARCH INSIDE box and click the magnifying glass to search.



Primo Journal Search - article search by author

In Journal of Health and Social Behavior, only one article by Kugelmass is found.


Click on the article title to open it.

Sign in with your WCC credentials if you are off-campus or using a non-networked device.



JSTOR toolbar on article page

Look for the toolbar in the database (in this database, JSTOR, at the top right) to email (share), download, and/or cite* (see below) your article. If you've created a (free) JSTOR account, you can also save the article.



APA citation from JSTOR with added URL

It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of citations. Here the JSTOR permalink is added to the APA citation, which is incorrect.

Note the link to NoodleTools below, where you can import your reference into the citation software management tool. See the APA Citing and Plagiarism tab on this guide for a link to Noodle Tools and more information on how it can help you organize your sources.



*Alternately from the search options page under VIEW ONLINE we could choose to browse the journal, looking first for the year of our article (2016) and then Volume (57) and Issue (2)


Primo Browse Journal by year and volume

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