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GEO101 - Prof Patasaw : World Geography - Sp24: Your Assignment

Your Assignment (in brief)

Assignment: Develop a Podcast

You are to identify a food or category of foods that are identified with a particular region of the world. We will organize this by continent. That gives you a wide range of foods to choose. You are to describe why that food or food group is typically grown or raised in that area, i.e., perhaps it is the soil, or climate that is conducive to growing that plant or animal. For example, certain seashore areas will have a variety of seafood or sea vegetables; an inland area may focus more on certain animals or grains.    

  • What are the conditions
  • Are they native to that area or were they imported from another country
  • For example, if someone were focusing on the United States, a team might focus on hamburgers, french fries and soda. Or it might be steak and potatoes, or fried chicken and corn on the cob.
  • Is there any amount of environmental alterations to the natural landscape to cultivate that food, and if so how was it altered
  • Is that region a world leader in producing that food
  • If it is possible, between now and your presentation, locate a restaurant that features this food selection, as a change of pace. Name the restaurant. Take photographs of you and your friends or family enjoying the food. Describe the taste and texture of a few dishes from your selected region. 
  • Has there been an environmental impact producing this food, i.e., loss of native vegetation, use of water, farm raised or wild seafood or fish.
  • Described what the dish contains, how the ingredients are obtained if they are transported from around the country or region, perhaps how this food might have been subsequently shipped to other countries yet still identified with its original location.
  • Include photographs of the unique cooking styles and pots, utensils, stoves or firepits used.
  • What are the different types of fast food in other areas of the world.

Images must be shown and soft music track can be added. You will work as a team of 2 other classmates. The podcast length should be 10 -12 minutes long so all can be shown in class on the same day.

Due Date:

The podcast is due on Tuesday, March 28th. They will be presented during our class time for the whole class to learn about the regional food your team has chosen.  


The goal of this assignment is to learn general information about the country and its continent, through the unique cuisine that is generally eaten in that region. Identify at least three foods or dishes. A few fun facts can be included. This assignment will demonstrate that food is another way to learn about world regions, and their impact on other parts of the world through this aspect of culture. The mix of hundreds of ethnic groups that have migrated, has influenced food choices on all continents. That phenomenon has that altered local cuisines. Another goal is to learn how to make a presentation in a different format. The finished product should be seamless. It the start button and it should flow, from start to finish. Podcasting and video presentations are becoming a growing tool to present information and are gaining broader uses to express professional and personal information. A third goal will be an effort to get them aired on WARY, the WCC college radio station if they meet the stations standards for broadcast quality. Information on this will be forthcoming.  


Include visuals, slides or a short video (1 or 2 minutes), to support, not replace the audio file. We will be airing these in class first; this will capture your audience’s attention immediately. Explain why it is important to understand this issues in this day and age. Is it in the news frequently? Your personal opinions should be at the end of the presentation. Your sources must be properly cited in the Works Cited page at the end of your presentation. Do not use an unvetted blogpost by an individual whose credentials are unlisted or in another field. Check the section often labeled About Us, to see who is involved.  

You  must interview at least one subject matter expert, or reach out to the international club on campus, perhaps there is someone from your country there who you can interview. It can also be a professor at WCC or another college or a working professional, either in person or by Zoom, or recorded phone conversation.  

You must also review a journal article from a government agency, college or university, or not-for-profit organization that explains something about your country. Contact the embedded librarian or use Google Scholar.                                                                                                     

Refer to the articles posted in the module of Brightspace for additional helpful information to make your presentation as professional as possible.  


Tell what you have learned that you will take with you, a life lesson from this topic. Has anyone on your team visited the country? What are their impressions?


To get help with research on your country from a librarian either in person, by phone, email, text, or chat. Look under the Get Help tab to see how to contact the librarian who taught your library session and get information on library hours.

If you need additional information on your assignment and specific due dates, check BrightSpace first, THEN ask your professor.

Presentation Visuals

Visuals in your presentation should be informative, not decorative. 

INFORMATIVE VISUAL: See the Food Production Data tab above to find this data for your country.

top 10 commodities production in India 2022 graphic

Source:  Food and Agricultural Organization, Statistical Division. "Commodities by Country." FAOSTAT. United Nations, 2022, Accessed 1 Mar. 2024.




"Corn field" by fishhawk is marked with CC BY-NC 2.0. To view the terms, visit

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