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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

HSERV 102 - Prof. Spencer : Boyhood Movie Paper: Your Assignment

Your Assignment

Boyhood Movie Paper

Watch Boyhood (2014) by Richard Linklater. In Boyhood, we watch as Mason grows up from 6 to age 18. The movie is available for free on

Submit a 4 page (not including APA reference page), double spaced paper discussing how the movie Boyhood portrays key concepts, principles and or overarching themes of human behavior.

1. Choose one of the developmental stages of this 12-year time span to complete the following requirements:

A. Identify what stages of Freud’s stages of psycho-sexual development Mason is in and what evidence do you see in the movie that supports this observation, be specific.

B. Identify the tasks associated with this stage in Erikson’s stages of psychosocial stages of development. How do you see Mason struggling with the tasks?

2. A. At this stage in Mason’s life what are his strengths and stressors related to his biological dimension? (his size, his strength, etc)

  1. B. At this stage in Mason’s life what are his strengths and stressors related to his Psychological dimension? (his mental state, anxiety, attachment, oedipal stages, etc.)

C. At this stage in Mason’s life what are his strengths and stressors related to his Social dimension? (his friendships, his connections, school, bullying)

3. Finally, after watching the movie, how do you think his family experiences/dynamics (e.g., parental divorce, single parent, domestic violence, substance abuse,) impact his development?

A. Please include 2 peer-review psychological/social work articles to support your observations. Please use APA citation style when you incorporate your findings and support your position.


The paper should include in-text citations and a bibliography according to APA format.


You can get help with your research project from a librarian either by going to the library in person or emailing the librarian who taught your research session (see under Help tab).


For additional information on your assignment and due dates ask Professor Peguero-Spencer

Boyhood (2014)

APA 7th ed. citations:

References Page citation * for APA format it it not necessary to show how you accessed a film, although include a URL when material is only accessible online:

Linklater, R. (Director). (2014). Boyhood [Film]. IFC Films.


In-Text : (Linklater, 2014)

In-Text of dialogue from film use timestamp: (Linklater, 2014, 34:45) 

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