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HSERV 264 - Case Management : Prof Spencer: 2: Portfolio Project

This guide will help students in Prof. Spencers Case Management class with the Maternal Mortality Assignment and Portfolio Project

Portfolio Project Assignment

Developing Service Plan Goals for a Member of a Special Population

The Portfolio Project demonstrates your ability to apply knowledge of the case management experience in human services by synthesizing the information from the readings, class work, scholarly sources, and students’ work and life experiences. The purpose of this project is to integrate human service needs with evidence-based interventions, and to apply both to a fictitious human service setting and population. For this assignment, you are asked to complete a face sheet (p. 455) and a service plan, using the service plan template (p.479), for a client with multiple needs.




  • Select one of the following clients:


Client A: Jerry, a 29-year-old African American male. Jerry presents with difficulty finding a job. Jerry has some developmental delays and a learning disorder. He is dyslexic. He recently lost his best friend, Roger, in a car accident. Jerry has been using alcohol daily to cope with his feelings of grief and loss.

Jerry does not have a car and lives with his mom who often provides transportation to his doctor visits and job interviews. Jerry’s mother believes he is being discriminated against by prospective employers because of his race, disability, and past legal involvement.


Client B: Kim is a 17-year-old Hispanic female who identifies as lesbian. She was recently kicked out of her house after her mom found a love letter she had written to a female schoolmate. Kim’s mom is a devout “7-day Adventist” who believes that homosexuality is a sin. Kim’s father’s whereabouts are unknown. He left Kim’s mom when Kim was an infant. She never knew him. She has been anxious, can’t sleep, and stays with friends or sleeps in an alley near her high school. She has been taking showers at a local truck stop and walking to school. She loves school and wants to get a graduate degree in veterinary medicine, but she has no place to call home, no job, and is running out of spending money.



  • Thoroughly identify at least four case management needs of the selected client in your service plan.
  • Develop a list of strategies and interventions based in research to treat the case management needs of this client. Include a summary of at least three different interventions. Incorporate at least one scholarly journal article to provide support for your descriptions. (Hint: Library is a great place to find your resource!)
  • Distinguish between direct interventions and care coordination/advocacy that will be used in the treatment of this case management client.
  • Identify and distinguish among the distinct roles of the case manager and client in your service plan.
  • Address cultural considerations in treating the population in need. Describe and address ethical considerations applied in the case management treatment of this population.



  • Complete and include the face sheet and the service plan template.

Additional Requirements:

  • Discuss and cite a total of at least two scholarly sources to support your analysis and positions. The textbook and the library are good places to find scholarly sources. For any references used, include a list at the end of your service plan, as a separate reference page. Cite your sources in APA format, following the guidance provided by the librarian guide to writing and APA.

Find your Keywords

When searching the databases for articles, do not type in whole sentences. 

Use the KEYWORDS of your topic when searching for sources.

e.g. search Alcoholic AND Trauma AND Needs


Think of other terms that can be used to describe the event you are researching and try those also: 

Disability, Learning Disorder, Learning Disability, Special Needs, {specific learning disorder or disability};

Alcoholism, Alcoholic, Substance Abuse; 


Try using narrower or broader terms:

Racism, Discrimination, Inequality, Bias;

Assessment, Evaluations, Needs, Management


Be careful of words with multiple meanings, use alternate or additional words to clarify:

(e.g. Viking (Norse warrior); Viking (moon lander); Viking (football team); Viking (WCC student newspaper)


You might need to search multiple times in a single database before deciding it does not have any useful articles.

Use the asterisk * to truncate words and widen your search. Child* will search for Child, Children and Childhood.

Use quotation marks to keep phrases together: e.g. "Maternal Mortality" 


e.g. search Alcohol* AND Learning Disabilities AND Evaluation

 or Racism AND Trauma AND (Assessment OR Needs)

or  Unemploy* AND Discrimination AND Special Needs

Try your search terms in different combinations to get the greatest number of results.


Go to the FINDING ARTICLES tab for a list of recommended databases covering Social Sciences.


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