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Westchester Community College Harold L. Drimmer Library

AC 102 Ethics in Addiction Counseling - Perkins: Home

What's Here?

The resources on this pages will help you locate peer-reviewed (or scholarly) articles using the library databases.

It includes information on what 'peer-reviewed' means and information about writing an article summary.

You will find information on choosing search terms; using database limiters; viewing and sending an abstract and article.

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This guide was designed to assist students enrolled in Ethics in Addiction Counseling with Professor Perkins.  

You have been assigned a multi-step research project that requires locating scholarly articles on ethical issues and advocacy in addiction counseling.

This guide is a customized resource for this particular course and assignment.

If you have any questions or trouble feel free to contact me in person or through the library's virtual services. 

Your Librarian

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Yvonne Rode
Harold L. Drimmer Library
Room L207
Westchester Community College
75 Grasslands Road
Valhalla, NY 10595

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Phone: 914.606.6961

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