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Prof. Pizzirusso ENG 101 Fall 22: Home


Research Paper for ENG 101 - Writing and Research

1. 3-5 page research paper

2. Must include one to two article(s) from one of the chapters:

How Can We Bridge the Differences that Divide Us? (politics, socio-economic status, etc.)

Is College the Best Option?

Are We in a Race Against the Machine? (Computers, AI, social media)

What’s Gender Got to Do with It?

What’s There to Eat?

3. Choose a new topic from a new chapter that you haven’t yet written about.

4. Use three to five outside sources


Papers are double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 11-point font (Times New Roman or similar), stapled, and
follow MLA format


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Josh Weber

Office: Room 115 in the Library

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